Thursday, May 10, 2007

Landed, but still flying in mind...

Late last night we had a great meeting with our partner. We talked for a couple of hours and he supplied us with a lot of equipment. As time progressed, we realized that we were actually leaving, and it was soon... At the same time, we also got it reconfirmed how relevant, important, meaningful and risktaking our task is. We send our biggest hugs to the Start-up company group for not only hosting us for the night, but also for the meeting and carrying all our crap (and that is a lot) two floors up.

Speaking about the stuff we are bringing. The amount of clothes for two weeks on Borneo is about the same for a weekend at home. So we are gonna be so fresh after two weeks, luckily we will all stay faithfull regardless.

So we are now in KL!!! A lot of firsts have taken place: first evaluation on the train to Copenhagen, first time sleeping together (don´t try to twist our words here...), first time in Asia for some, first miscommunication in the group. The misunderstanding resulted in that we are one sleeping layer short, but we borrowed blankets and pillows from Malaysian airlines. By the way, we love Malaysian airlines.

We started collecting quotes:
-"SOMETIMES sleep is soooo necesary" -Løken (we are thinking you might have had to be there to find it funny)
-Check-in lady at Kastrup: "Such an international group". Bieke replies "yeah, we are one big joke" (refering to classical Swedish Bellman jokes)
-"I am sooooo bored, even animal movies can´t turn me on" -our beloved Johannes
-"God and the world around you loves you exactly the way you are, as long as you change in accordance with it" -Sara inspired by her reading.

We have learnt that the boys have very little sense of time. Luckily we are going to a place where time does not really matter - if it even exists at all. Oh yeah and we are also doing the ´we have no place to stay to night´thing.

This is it for the next ten days. Until then, take care and enjoy!
J, C, B, S


Daniel Seifter said...

Hey guys,
sounds like you´re off to a good start though! Hhahaha
I really hope you´ll be filming some of the trip - not only the people but within the group!
Sara, if you catch any illnesses of any kind, you will be band at least out in the living room - do you here me?;O)
Take good care of each other.
Huge hugs from Karen

John FJ said...

Hi There...
Hope you all enjoy in Malaysia..
Come to Borneo,Sarawak side..and welcome to my home deep in the jungle...sure, Penan's Home
see you next time..